ixyeoh's Knight Guide
Short Description of Class and Comments
Knight, the premier tanking class of the Dragonica community. Well at least that is what is stated on the Dragonica website. Knight class are overall quite balanced in my opinion. We have some nice offensive skills and we also possess a number of defensive skills. However, since this game is still in the early stage, definition of tanking in the Dragonica term, is still uncertain. But in the future, in newer contents, I believed tanking in Dragonica will be more defined, and at that time role playing becomes more important, instead of attacking all out like every is doing in OBT now, we will have the tanks soaking up damage, while making sure no one else is getting hit by the boss, thus properly doing their job.
Although i am basically just ranting on and on about knights being tanks, it will be a big mistake to underestimate its damage potential. We are not just pure tanks walking around getting hit. We can also dish some decent damage with the right build.
And thus I would like to highlight on some interesting stuffs about Dragonica. If you have been playing long enough you will realize that they way the game developer design the skill tree is absolutely brilliant!!! KUDOS to Barunson, IAH, etc. You can never ever max out all the skills, and there is just so many skills for you to choose, and this force you to specialize in only certain skills, making every player unique in this sense, since not everyone will have the same preference. Therefore, the right build as I mentioned earlier is very important in determining what kind of style you want to play.
Knight Skill Section
Shield Mastery
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: -
Percentage chance of blocking by level (X): 3/6/9/12/15
DEF increased by level (Y): 50/80/110/140/170
Increase Block by X% and DEF by Y when holding a shield.
Free DEF plus chance to block attacks??!! Since you are, and yes YOU ARE going to be holding on to a shield for the rest of your life as a Knight, you might as well invest in this for the passive benefits. My rule of thumb, passive benefits are always good!! So, max this out as soon as possible.
Aerial Smackdown
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Cast dash in mid-air and hit attack to smack down into the ground and hit enemies nearby. Can be used in mid-air only.
I don't know about others, but most of the time when I saw other Knights in action, they rarely use this skill. Me, on the other hand, use this skill pretty much all the time, I usually use this to get right back at my enemies and make sure I was not away too long from the enemies and thus stop my combo. Usually after a Cutdown or Hammer Crush or any other attack, I will jump away to avoid enemy retaliation ( this enemy refers to those that uses range attack, or those that cannot be flinched and keep on coming at you - normal attacks usually stop mobs in their tracks, and prevent them from taking actions, some mobs are immune to this) and immediately use this skill to get right back in range to attack them and score an attack to boot, and so, will lower the risk of your combo chain from stopping. Its also very useful in boss fights. The only thing I can say is you gotta try this skill out to know how useful it is and since you are most likely gonna learn it anyway, you should learn how to use it to your best advantage. The only issue I have is that when i use this skill it only hit one enemy, whereas in the description of the skills, it was mentioned that this skill was supposed to hit enemies nearby.
Aerial Blow
Max lvl: 1
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Whips out a toy hammer and bash up to 10 enemies into the ground. Can only be used after an air combo.
This skill is activated by pressing left or right directional key + attack after executing a jump. You will have a bit of trouble early on while using this skill as sometimes you might find yourself wanting to do a normal air combo attack and end up using this skill instead. The solution is to let go of the directional key after a jump to do a normal air combo attack. It takes some practice getting used to. And also take not, unlike normal air combo attack where the attack will most likely hit the mobs in the air as long as it is nearby, Aerial Blow has an extremely and I mean extremely short range. It is so short that you need to be in kissing range with all the enemies in order to hit more than one target. One way to solve this is of course gather all the enemies as close to each other as possible before initiating the launch in order for the Aerial Blow to ACTUALLY hit multiple target. Another issue is that since the range is so short, you need to be slightly above the enemy in mid-air in order for the Toy Hammer to hit, if the mob is above you by a small margin, then you're most likely going to miss. Just like Aerial Smackdown, this is a lower tier skills, and its very likely that you will have to invest points into this skill.
Shoulder Tackle
Max lvl:10
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Aerial Smackdown
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/9
Charges at X enemy targets and launch them into the air.
I mentioned this earlier in the warrior section with regards to Air Combo Launcher. This skill is similar to ACL except in its execution. Shoulder Tackle is a charging attack that rams into enemy ranks and launching them into the air. It can be used from medium range. ACL on the other hand requires you to be really close in order actually launch mobs into the air, and one thing I noticed is that its launch range is not as big as Shoulder Tackle. Since Shoulder Tackle travels in a straight line all enemies hit by it along the line will be launched. I also noticed that you are invulnerable while you are executing this skill. The only issue I find is that sometimes you might charge too far ahead of the mobs launched, and you really need to be quick on your feet to get back into the position where you can continue the attack on the airborne enemies be it using Storm Blade or normal air combo attack.
And this skill is amazing for PVP, great for closing short distance quickly and good for launching enemy. Besides Cutdown, this will be one of your main skill to launch a player into the air for PVP.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Shield Mastery
Percentage chance Block increased by level (X): 5/8/11/14/17
Learn to block enemy attacks with swords. Increase block chance by X%.
This is more appealing to those that would like to tank in my opinion. Its cooldown and duration is the same, so in other words, you can virtually keep up the extra 17% chance to block at all times. But its a highly specialized skill, and unless you plan to play a tank build, you shouldn't put more than one point into this. It also has a short cast time, so do move away from enemies before activating this skill. It is of no doubt an incredible tanking skill. Your natural block chance will be at 32% just purely from skills alone. This plus all the evade rate you might get from equipments will give a rather high chance of blocking an attack. So, definitely a must have for tanks.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Aerial Blow
You are one with the foot spirits. (Lame...lame...lame)
You cannot fall, you are a wall, acts of brute force you can endure. (I think this is supposed to sound cool, ROFL)
Basically it means you cannot be knocked back or knocked down. I have tried this on bosses and yes, you can withstand through all the boss attacks without flinching. If you think that you can activate this skill and just spam all your attack skills on the boss, then you are making a mistake. Its cooldown is twice its duration, meaning you cannot keep this buff up at all times. This means that this skill is highly situational and in my opinion should only be used when you really need it. And the fact that the cooldown will always be twice the duration, I don't see any point in raising this skill more than level 1 in order to just get a longer duration. Another rule of thumb, if the benefits given by a skill is constant in some important aspect, its better to leave it at level 1.
Spear Jab
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Shoulder Tackle
Mobs number progression by level (X): 6/7/8/9/10.
A fierce 5-hit combo that knocks down X enemies.
This is one awesome skill that you will come to love. 5 hit combo on each enemy??? Can hit up to 10 enemies at max level??? This means on average you can easily score 30-40 combo count with just this skill alone. And it does really high damage too. But it has its own weaknesses, which is fair enough, since it is such a powerful skill. This skill can be interrupted, therefore, if you are attacked halfway while executing Spear Jab, it will cancel off. So you have to watch out for two things while using Spear Jab. One, make sure there are no range attackers out of your attack range and targeting you. Two, don't use it on knockback immune mobs like those annoying blue coloured crabs on the beach that cannot be knocked back. In order to maximize the usage of Spear Jab in such situation, Hammer Crush can be used to stun these mobs and gives a free open shot at Spear Jabbing them with no fear of interrupts. This skill is also useful when fighting boss, if you want to dish out lots of damage in a short time. Some people like me, did not even touch on the Icecold Heart and Blazing Youth, so Hammer Spam is out of the question when we are required to produce high amount of damage in a short time. Thus I rely on Spear Jab for such situation.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Impervion
Percentage of damage reflected by level (X): 30/40/50/60/70
Cast a thorn shield around yourself, reflecting X% of damage received back to your attackers. Consume 12 MPs per second.
This skill reflects all damage, I repeat ALL damage back to attackers. This includes special attacks from bosses too. Its a two-fold gain for any tanks, as it reduces incoming damage and also deals damage to attackers. The only downside is of course the mana. Being of a warrior class, we are not very intelligent. (As in the stats) We'll need lots of mana potions to keep this skill up for a period of time. But still, it is a very good skill nonetheless. And of course, I don't think I need to remind you guys that this is similar to Parry which is highly specialized for tanks only. So my advice is don't invest into this skill if you don't plan to tank. Some people might also say that this skill can be used during leveling as well, and I do think this skill can be significant at higher levels since it based on percentage. Since damage dealt by mobs will be higher as we leveled up higher, it can actually be a practical skill, contributing significant damage in a normal grinding at higher level. As long you have the money to fork out the mana pots required, be my guest.
And one more thing, this IS the skill that defines a knight in PVP, it is what makes people fear us. Time its usage well, and I can guarantee you that you will rule in PVP. Its really funny seeing how an archer class launch you into the air and start his crazy air combo only to realize that with every shot he is hurting himself. So, for PVP hardcore player, needless to say, MAX this out.
Increase Defence
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Parry
DEF increased by level (X): 60/90/120/150/180
Add X DEF by enlarging your head. Don't ask us how it works. But we promised you its going to be funny.
Its worth it just to have a look at how your head grow bigger, and it is indeed funny. However is this skill useful enough to warrant us maxing it? +180 DEF at max level may seem a lot now, but what about at higher levels? Will 180 DEF will be as significant as it was when we are level 30 or will it be unnoticeable at level 60. That is the question that you should ask, in short term this skill might be good, but in the long term, it might become obsolete. But who knows, 180 DEF might prove to be a very significant value still at higher level. Let us hope that it is so, for those who choose to invest in this skill.
Giant Growth
Max lvl:
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Increase Defence
Health increased by level (X): 500/900/1300/1700/2100
Max HP increased by X.
At max level 2100 HP is a lot. Running on a 14 minute duration, this skill is quite good. Since more HP means that you survive longer and can take more punishment. However, again the same issue like Increase Defence will 2100 health be significant still at higher level. The only way to find out is after the official launch. However, although I might be saying this, I would still recommend this skill for the tank-wannabe, since tanks can never get too much HP.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 2 Spear Jab
Mobs number progression by level (X): 8/9/10/11/12
Drop a heavyweight onto X enemies and slightly launch them into the air. At level 3, the enemies are launched even higher. At level 5, enemies are launched to peak height.
We got another relaunch skill!! And of all the other skills we have, this one has among the highest damage potential. My suggestion would be MAX this if you could cause it can do wonders when faced with lots of enemies. Some people might argue that this will render Cutdown obsolete as a relauncher but I believe Cutdown is still useful since it is executed when you are in mid-air away from attacks. Unlike Pressure.
Body Activation
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Giant Growth
HP % increased by level (X): 8/12/16/20/24
Permanently increase max HP by X%.
Do you even need me to tell you to max this out? Passive skill + percentage increase of HP?!! MAX this out ASAP!!
Credits: ixyeoh from Dragonica Forum
Short Description of Class and Comments
Knight, the premier tanking class of the Dragonica community. Well at least that is what is stated on the Dragonica website. Knight class are overall quite balanced in my opinion. We have some nice offensive skills and we also possess a number of defensive skills. However, since this game is still in the early stage, definition of tanking in the Dragonica term, is still uncertain. But in the future, in newer contents, I believed tanking in Dragonica will be more defined, and at that time role playing becomes more important, instead of attacking all out like every is doing in OBT now, we will have the tanks soaking up damage, while making sure no one else is getting hit by the boss, thus properly doing their job.
Although i am basically just ranting on and on about knights being tanks, it will be a big mistake to underestimate its damage potential. We are not just pure tanks walking around getting hit. We can also dish some decent damage with the right build.
And thus I would like to highlight on some interesting stuffs about Dragonica. If you have been playing long enough you will realize that they way the game developer design the skill tree is absolutely brilliant!!! KUDOS to Barunson, IAH, etc. You can never ever max out all the skills, and there is just so many skills for you to choose, and this force you to specialize in only certain skills, making every player unique in this sense, since not everyone will have the same preference. Therefore, the right build as I mentioned earlier is very important in determining what kind of style you want to play.
Knight Skill Section
Shield Mastery
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: -
Percentage chance of blocking by level (X): 3/6/9/12/15
DEF increased by level (Y): 50/80/110/140/170
Increase Block by X% and DEF by Y when holding a shield.
Free DEF plus chance to block attacks??!! Since you are, and yes YOU ARE going to be holding on to a shield for the rest of your life as a Knight, you might as well invest in this for the passive benefits. My rule of thumb, passive benefits are always good!! So, max this out as soon as possible.
Aerial Smackdown
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Cast dash in mid-air and hit attack to smack down into the ground and hit enemies nearby. Can be used in mid-air only.
I don't know about others, but most of the time when I saw other Knights in action, they rarely use this skill. Me, on the other hand, use this skill pretty much all the time, I usually use this to get right back at my enemies and make sure I was not away too long from the enemies and thus stop my combo. Usually after a Cutdown or Hammer Crush or any other attack, I will jump away to avoid enemy retaliation ( this enemy refers to those that uses range attack, or those that cannot be flinched and keep on coming at you - normal attacks usually stop mobs in their tracks, and prevent them from taking actions, some mobs are immune to this) and immediately use this skill to get right back in range to attack them and score an attack to boot, and so, will lower the risk of your combo chain from stopping. Its also very useful in boss fights. The only thing I can say is you gotta try this skill out to know how useful it is and since you are most likely gonna learn it anyway, you should learn how to use it to your best advantage. The only issue I have is that when i use this skill it only hit one enemy, whereas in the description of the skills, it was mentioned that this skill was supposed to hit enemies nearby.
Aerial Blow
Max lvl: 1
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Whips out a toy hammer and bash up to 10 enemies into the ground. Can only be used after an air combo.
This skill is activated by pressing left or right directional key + attack after executing a jump. You will have a bit of trouble early on while using this skill as sometimes you might find yourself wanting to do a normal air combo attack and end up using this skill instead. The solution is to let go of the directional key after a jump to do a normal air combo attack. It takes some practice getting used to. And also take not, unlike normal air combo attack where the attack will most likely hit the mobs in the air as long as it is nearby, Aerial Blow has an extremely and I mean extremely short range. It is so short that you need to be in kissing range with all the enemies in order to hit more than one target. One way to solve this is of course gather all the enemies as close to each other as possible before initiating the launch in order for the Aerial Blow to ACTUALLY hit multiple target. Another issue is that since the range is so short, you need to be slightly above the enemy in mid-air in order for the Toy Hammer to hit, if the mob is above you by a small margin, then you're most likely going to miss. Just like Aerial Smackdown, this is a lower tier skills, and its very likely that you will have to invest points into this skill.
Shoulder Tackle
Max lvl:10
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Aerial Smackdown
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/9
Charges at X enemy targets and launch them into the air.
I mentioned this earlier in the warrior section with regards to Air Combo Launcher. This skill is similar to ACL except in its execution. Shoulder Tackle is a charging attack that rams into enemy ranks and launching them into the air. It can be used from medium range. ACL on the other hand requires you to be really close in order actually launch mobs into the air, and one thing I noticed is that its launch range is not as big as Shoulder Tackle. Since Shoulder Tackle travels in a straight line all enemies hit by it along the line will be launched. I also noticed that you are invulnerable while you are executing this skill. The only issue I find is that sometimes you might charge too far ahead of the mobs launched, and you really need to be quick on your feet to get back into the position where you can continue the attack on the airborne enemies be it using Storm Blade or normal air combo attack.
And this skill is amazing for PVP, great for closing short distance quickly and good for launching enemy. Besides Cutdown, this will be one of your main skill to launch a player into the air for PVP.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Shield Mastery
Percentage chance Block increased by level (X): 5/8/11/14/17
Learn to block enemy attacks with swords. Increase block chance by X%.
This is more appealing to those that would like to tank in my opinion. Its cooldown and duration is the same, so in other words, you can virtually keep up the extra 17% chance to block at all times. But its a highly specialized skill, and unless you plan to play a tank build, you shouldn't put more than one point into this. It also has a short cast time, so do move away from enemies before activating this skill. It is of no doubt an incredible tanking skill. Your natural block chance will be at 32% just purely from skills alone. This plus all the evade rate you might get from equipments will give a rather high chance of blocking an attack. So, definitely a must have for tanks.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Aerial Blow
You are one with the foot spirits. (Lame...lame...lame)
You cannot fall, you are a wall, acts of brute force you can endure. (I think this is supposed to sound cool, ROFL)
Basically it means you cannot be knocked back or knocked down. I have tried this on bosses and yes, you can withstand through all the boss attacks without flinching. If you think that you can activate this skill and just spam all your attack skills on the boss, then you are making a mistake. Its cooldown is twice its duration, meaning you cannot keep this buff up at all times. This means that this skill is highly situational and in my opinion should only be used when you really need it. And the fact that the cooldown will always be twice the duration, I don't see any point in raising this skill more than level 1 in order to just get a longer duration. Another rule of thumb, if the benefits given by a skill is constant in some important aspect, its better to leave it at level 1.
Spear Jab
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Shoulder Tackle
Mobs number progression by level (X): 6/7/8/9/10.
A fierce 5-hit combo that knocks down X enemies.
This is one awesome skill that you will come to love. 5 hit combo on each enemy??? Can hit up to 10 enemies at max level??? This means on average you can easily score 30-40 combo count with just this skill alone. And it does really high damage too. But it has its own weaknesses, which is fair enough, since it is such a powerful skill. This skill can be interrupted, therefore, if you are attacked halfway while executing Spear Jab, it will cancel off. So you have to watch out for two things while using Spear Jab. One, make sure there are no range attackers out of your attack range and targeting you. Two, don't use it on knockback immune mobs like those annoying blue coloured crabs on the beach that cannot be knocked back. In order to maximize the usage of Spear Jab in such situation, Hammer Crush can be used to stun these mobs and gives a free open shot at Spear Jabbing them with no fear of interrupts. This skill is also useful when fighting boss, if you want to dish out lots of damage in a short time. Some people like me, did not even touch on the Icecold Heart and Blazing Youth, so Hammer Spam is out of the question when we are required to produce high amount of damage in a short time. Thus I rely on Spear Jab for such situation.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Impervion
Percentage of damage reflected by level (X): 30/40/50/60/70
Cast a thorn shield around yourself, reflecting X% of damage received back to your attackers. Consume 12 MPs per second.
This skill reflects all damage, I repeat ALL damage back to attackers. This includes special attacks from bosses too. Its a two-fold gain for any tanks, as it reduces incoming damage and also deals damage to attackers. The only downside is of course the mana. Being of a warrior class, we are not very intelligent. (As in the stats) We'll need lots of mana potions to keep this skill up for a period of time. But still, it is a very good skill nonetheless. And of course, I don't think I need to remind you guys that this is similar to Parry which is highly specialized for tanks only. So my advice is don't invest into this skill if you don't plan to tank. Some people might also say that this skill can be used during leveling as well, and I do think this skill can be significant at higher levels since it based on percentage. Since damage dealt by mobs will be higher as we leveled up higher, it can actually be a practical skill, contributing significant damage in a normal grinding at higher level. As long you have the money to fork out the mana pots required, be my guest.
And one more thing, this IS the skill that defines a knight in PVP, it is what makes people fear us. Time its usage well, and I can guarantee you that you will rule in PVP. Its really funny seeing how an archer class launch you into the air and start his crazy air combo only to realize that with every shot he is hurting himself. So, for PVP hardcore player, needless to say, MAX this out.
Increase Defence
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Parry
DEF increased by level (X): 60/90/120/150/180
Add X DEF by enlarging your head. Don't ask us how it works. But we promised you its going to be funny.
Its worth it just to have a look at how your head grow bigger, and it is indeed funny. However is this skill useful enough to warrant us maxing it? +180 DEF at max level may seem a lot now, but what about at higher levels? Will 180 DEF will be as significant as it was when we are level 30 or will it be unnoticeable at level 60. That is the question that you should ask, in short term this skill might be good, but in the long term, it might become obsolete. But who knows, 180 DEF might prove to be a very significant value still at higher level. Let us hope that it is so, for those who choose to invest in this skill.
Giant Growth
Max lvl:
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Increase Defence
Health increased by level (X): 500/900/1300/1700/2100
Max HP increased by X.
At max level 2100 HP is a lot. Running on a 14 minute duration, this skill is quite good. Since more HP means that you survive longer and can take more punishment. However, again the same issue like Increase Defence will 2100 health be significant still at higher level. The only way to find out is after the official launch. However, although I might be saying this, I would still recommend this skill for the tank-wannabe, since tanks can never get too much HP.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: Level 2 Spear Jab
Mobs number progression by level (X): 8/9/10/11/12
Drop a heavyweight onto X enemies and slightly launch them into the air. At level 3, the enemies are launched even higher. At level 5, enemies are launched to peak height.
We got another relaunch skill!! And of all the other skills we have, this one has among the highest damage potential. My suggestion would be MAX this if you could cause it can do wonders when faced with lots of enemies. Some people might argue that this will render Cutdown obsolete as a relauncher but I believe Cutdown is still useful since it is executed when you are in mid-air away from attacks. Unlike Pressure.
Body Activation
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Giant Growth
HP % increased by level (X): 8/12/16/20/24
Permanently increase max HP by X%.
Do you even need me to tell you to max this out? Passive skill + percentage increase of HP?!! MAX this out ASAP!!
Credits: ixyeoh from Dragonica Forum
this is clearly well thought out, planned and is a verry good guide for us knights, congrats to you. you really know your stuff and dragonica would benefit from having people like you making guids :) good luck and good job :)
Awesome guide. Thx for sharing :)
Do you even need me to tell you to max this out? Passive skill + percentage increase of HP?!! MAX this out ASAP!!
>>wew! wahahaha... ^^
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