ixyeoh's Warrior Guide
If you are those people who are crazy with being in the thick of combat and melee action, if you are those people who just to love to smash the mobs face to face, or if you are those who are willing to stand toe to toe with Bosses while protecting your precious teammates, then I believe this guide is just right for you.
As stated by the title, this is a guide on the warrior class in Dragonica. Lets get straight to know what makes a warrior in Dragonica:
1. Massive HP (Highest among all classes)
2. High defense
3. Able to equip shield (For knights)
4. Longest melee range (More than thiefs, definitely)
5. More ground and crowd control skills compared to other class (Important for boss fight)
1. Need to engage enemies in melee, thus making it difficult to fight certain enemies.
2. Lower combo capabilities compared to other classes (We are still good, but not as good as others)
Short Description of Class and Comments
The warrior is undoubtedly my favourite class of all time in any kind of MMORPG. I love being able to take in damage and being able to stand toe to toe with mobs and fight them off.
Warriors in Dragonica are of no exception. As mentioned earlier, their high HP and DEF makes them ideal to fight the enemies head on in any kind of situation.
To be a good warrior in Dragonica however, requires you to be skillful in some ways. (not as technical as a thief, but still....) Being able to take hits doesn't mean you should stand there and just take them. Being able to fight a monster face to face, doesn't mean you just run in headfirst into a fight. Being a warrior requires you to be able to know when to stand and fight and when to retreat. Being a warrior also means you must be able use your skills at the right time, right place, and right situation to maximize their potential. All skills are naturally linked together and knowing how to use them altogether is the key of being a warrior.
So, now that you know what is it like being a warrior, the first thing you should do, is to learn what each warrior skills do, and understand them.
Warrior Skills Section
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: -
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/10
Description: Thrust up to X standing enemies causing damage and knocking them down.
This is one skill you should not invest in. Its a prerequisite skill and should stay so. Not a good idea to raise this up as there are many other better skills. Recommended level is 1.
Sword Mastery
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: -
Damage increased by level (X): 10/25/40/55/70.
Description: Adds X weapon damage when using one handed sword or two handed sword.
This is a bit of dilemma here, there is a lot of argument on this one. Some people said that this skill is awesome as it raises your damage output and improve damage of skills as well, as skill damage formula is affected by weapon damage. However the warriors that opt to be a gladiator will say that their Advance Sword Mastery is better, and skill points shouldn't be wasted on this. However this is my advice, don't raise this skill up early in the game, once you've finalized your skill build and realize that there is some skill points leftover, you can invest in this skill.
Air Combo Launch
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/9
Description: Attack and launch X target enemies into the air. Air combo can be executed.
For most beginner warrior, this will be one of the first skill you will invest in. This is not wrong and not a bad choice actually. However, if you decide to be a knight, there will be a knight skill called Shoulder Tackle which is in my opinion better than this skill. So if you choose to invest in this skill, you should max it out or invest more into this skill, not the Shoulder Tackle. My advice is never ever max out both of the skills mentioned at the same time, its a waste of skill points, you only need one launcher so stick with one.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skill: Lvl 1 Blow
Mobs number progression by level: 5/6/7/8/9
Description: Delivers a downward smash in mid-air, on up to X fallen or standing enemies, and launch them into the air.
One of my favourite skills. Two reasons, one is that its one of the only 2 skill that a warrior possess to relaunch enemies that are lying on the ground, and its incredible for boss fights. You will be usually using this skill right after your air combo attack or after your storm blade to relaunch the enemies right back into the air. While in boss fights you will be using this as you jump around avoiding attacks. I am not too sure about this but if i am not mistaken you need to raise this up to at least level 3 before you can use it as a relaunch. And this skill is definitely a better skill than relaunch which we will discuss later on, as it can also be used for attacking purpose and not only just for relaunch. Recommended level: At least 3.
Storm Blade
Max lvl: 50
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Cutdown
Mobs number progression by level (X): 6/7/8/9/10
Description: A swordstorm that slices and dices X airborne enemies.
The bread and butter skill of any warrior class. When you first get this skill, you will be having great fun racking awesome combos with this skill. Recommended level: MAX.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Air Combo Launch
Mobs number progression by level (X): 2/4/6/8/10
Description: Attack and relaunch X knocked down enemy targets.
I personally find this skill not very useful, since Cutdown is already a prerequisite for Storm Blade which is a must have, it would better to invest in Cutdown to use it as a relaunch skill instead of investing in this skill. But still if you plan to invest in the hammer skill Icecold Heart you can consider putting points into this.
Sword Dance
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Re-launch
Mobs number progression by level: 5/5/6/6/7
Hurl your sword and knock down X enemies.
Again, I don't find much use in this skill. The only think i can think off is its PVPing potential. Not sure about PVE (Player Versus Environment) though. I have heard people say that its good since it hits multiple enemies from far away on a straight line, and its pretty useful to hit bosses from a safe distance. So the choice is really up to you to decide, however do remember that skill points are limited. If you choose to invest in this than you have to give up on others.
Hammer Crush
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of stun by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of stunning enemies.
One of the good skills that you should definitely invest in, its chance of stun is pretty high, and it has a very low cooldown period, allowing you use it very often. Why I find it useful is because of the stun, enemies will be rendered immobile and helpless, and thus opens them up more chance of racking combos. This is especially true in combination with Spear Jab, a Knight skill, which can be interrupted. With the stun, you can be guaranteed to score all 5 hits with the Spear Jab. Recommended level: MAX.
Blazing Youth
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Hammer Crush, Level 2 Storm Blade
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of Burn by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of inflicting Level X Burn on enemies.
Highly based on personal preference, if you want to see lots of colors on your screen, and you want to use this skill in conjunction with Hammer Crush (in other words, Hammer spammer, Oh God, it rhymes!!!) than you can invest it. I didn't say that spamming Hammer Crush-Blazing Youth-Hammer Crush-Icecold Heart (Which usually keep mobs in permanent stun state most of the time) is not good. Its incredible!! Massive damage potential!!! However it lacks 2 very important things, it only hit once, which means if you hit it on 5 enemies, you will only rack up 5 combo points, and its plain boring if you ask me. And I still don't exactly know what Burn status does, might be some kind of DOT (Damage over time) effect.
Icecold Heart
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Hammer Crush, Level 2 Sword Dance
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of Freeze by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of inflicting Level X freeze on enemies, reducing movement speed, attacking speed, DEF and MDEF.
Refer to Blazing Youth. Pretty much the same stuff really. Its only redeeming quality is the Freeze status which can be really useful.
Credits: ixyeoh from Dragonica Forum
If you are those people who are crazy with being in the thick of combat and melee action, if you are those people who just to love to smash the mobs face to face, or if you are those who are willing to stand toe to toe with Bosses while protecting your precious teammates, then I believe this guide is just right for you.
As stated by the title, this is a guide on the warrior class in Dragonica. Lets get straight to know what makes a warrior in Dragonica:
1. Massive HP (Highest among all classes)
2. High defense
3. Able to equip shield (For knights)
4. Longest melee range (More than thiefs, definitely)
5. More ground and crowd control skills compared to other class (Important for boss fight)
1. Need to engage enemies in melee, thus making it difficult to fight certain enemies.
2. Lower combo capabilities compared to other classes (We are still good, but not as good as others)
Short Description of Class and Comments
The warrior is undoubtedly my favourite class of all time in any kind of MMORPG. I love being able to take in damage and being able to stand toe to toe with mobs and fight them off.
Warriors in Dragonica are of no exception. As mentioned earlier, their high HP and DEF makes them ideal to fight the enemies head on in any kind of situation.
To be a good warrior in Dragonica however, requires you to be skillful in some ways. (not as technical as a thief, but still....) Being able to take hits doesn't mean you should stand there and just take them. Being able to fight a monster face to face, doesn't mean you just run in headfirst into a fight. Being a warrior requires you to be able to know when to stand and fight and when to retreat. Being a warrior also means you must be able use your skills at the right time, right place, and right situation to maximize their potential. All skills are naturally linked together and knowing how to use them altogether is the key of being a warrior.
So, now that you know what is it like being a warrior, the first thing you should do, is to learn what each warrior skills do, and understand them.
Warrior Skills Section
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: -
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/10
Description: Thrust up to X standing enemies causing damage and knocking them down.
This is one skill you should not invest in. Its a prerequisite skill and should stay so. Not a good idea to raise this up as there are many other better skills. Recommended level is 1.
Sword Mastery
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: -
Damage increased by level (X): 10/25/40/55/70.
Description: Adds X weapon damage when using one handed sword or two handed sword.
This is a bit of dilemma here, there is a lot of argument on this one. Some people said that this skill is awesome as it raises your damage output and improve damage of skills as well, as skill damage formula is affected by weapon damage. However the warriors that opt to be a gladiator will say that their Advance Sword Mastery is better, and skill points shouldn't be wasted on this. However this is my advice, don't raise this skill up early in the game, once you've finalized your skill build and realize that there is some skill points leftover, you can invest in this skill.
Air Combo Launch
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 15
Prerequisite skills: -
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/6/7/8/9
Description: Attack and launch X target enemies into the air. Air combo can be executed.
For most beginner warrior, this will be one of the first skill you will invest in. This is not wrong and not a bad choice actually. However, if you decide to be a knight, there will be a knight skill called Shoulder Tackle which is in my opinion better than this skill. So if you choose to invest in this skill, you should max it out or invest more into this skill, not the Shoulder Tackle. My advice is never ever max out both of the skills mentioned at the same time, its a waste of skill points, you only need one launcher so stick with one.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skill: Lvl 1 Blow
Mobs number progression by level: 5/6/7/8/9
Description: Delivers a downward smash in mid-air, on up to X fallen or standing enemies, and launch them into the air.
One of my favourite skills. Two reasons, one is that its one of the only 2 skill that a warrior possess to relaunch enemies that are lying on the ground, and its incredible for boss fights. You will be usually using this skill right after your air combo attack or after your storm blade to relaunch the enemies right back into the air. While in boss fights you will be using this as you jump around avoiding attacks. I am not too sure about this but if i am not mistaken you need to raise this up to at least level 3 before you can use it as a relaunch. And this skill is definitely a better skill than relaunch which we will discuss later on, as it can also be used for attacking purpose and not only just for relaunch. Recommended level: At least 3.
Storm Blade
Max lvl: 50
Skill point: 20
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Cutdown
Mobs number progression by level (X): 6/7/8/9/10
Description: A swordstorm that slices and dices X airborne enemies.
The bread and butter skill of any warrior class. When you first get this skill, you will be having great fun racking awesome combos with this skill. Recommended level: MAX.
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Air Combo Launch
Mobs number progression by level (X): 2/4/6/8/10
Description: Attack and relaunch X knocked down enemy targets.
I personally find this skill not very useful, since Cutdown is already a prerequisite for Storm Blade which is a must have, it would better to invest in Cutdown to use it as a relaunch skill instead of investing in this skill. But still if you plan to invest in the hammer skill Icecold Heart you can consider putting points into this.
Sword Dance
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Lvl 1 Re-launch
Mobs number progression by level: 5/5/6/6/7
Hurl your sword and knock down X enemies.
Again, I don't find much use in this skill. The only think i can think off is its PVPing potential. Not sure about PVE (Player Versus Environment) though. I have heard people say that its good since it hits multiple enemies from far away on a straight line, and its pretty useful to hit bosses from a safe distance. So the choice is really up to you to decide, however do remember that skill points are limited. If you choose to invest in this than you have to give up on others.
Hammer Crush
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of stun by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of stunning enemies.
One of the good skills that you should definitely invest in, its chance of stun is pretty high, and it has a very low cooldown period, allowing you use it very often. Why I find it useful is because of the stun, enemies will be rendered immobile and helpless, and thus opens them up more chance of racking combos. This is especially true in combination with Spear Jab, a Knight skill, which can be interrupted. With the stun, you can be guaranteed to score all 5 hits with the Spear Jab. Recommended level: MAX.
Blazing Youth
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Hammer Crush, Level 2 Storm Blade
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of Burn by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of inflicting Level X Burn on enemies.
Highly based on personal preference, if you want to see lots of colors on your screen, and you want to use this skill in conjunction with Hammer Crush (in other words, Hammer spammer, Oh God, it rhymes!!!) than you can invest it. I didn't say that spamming Hammer Crush-Blazing Youth-Hammer Crush-Icecold Heart (Which usually keep mobs in permanent stun state most of the time) is not good. Its incredible!! Massive damage potential!!! However it lacks 2 very important things, it only hit once, which means if you hit it on 5 enemies, you will only rack up 5 combo points, and its plain boring if you ask me. And I still don't exactly know what Burn status does, might be some kind of DOT (Damage over time) effect.
Icecold Heart
Max lvl: 5
Skill point: 10
Prerequisite skills: Level 1 Hammer Crush, Level 2 Sword Dance
Mobs number progression by level (X): 5/7/9/11/13
Percentage chance of Freeze by level (Y): 50/55/60/65/70
Attack up to X enemies standing or down on the ground and slightly launch them into the air. Has a Y chances of inflicting Level X freeze on enemies, reducing movement speed, attacking speed, DEF and MDEF.
Refer to Blazing Youth. Pretty much the same stuff really. Its only redeeming quality is the Freeze status which can be really useful.
Credits: ixyeoh from Dragonica Forum
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