Konobi's PvP Guide
PvP and YOU!
A general guide to class weaknesses
So, I'm not much of a PvP goer, honestly. Can't stand player vs player. The rush is a bit much for me. My hands start shaking, can't fully concentrate... My fingers tremble, and because of this, I often dash too much, or linger around with my head in the clouds.
But I'll tell you what, I'm a pretty good strategist, and I find ways to dodge attacks pretty easily. So, below are some tips to helping you win in PvP by dodging certain classes' attack.
Archer can be tough. Players with good computers and good framerate can knock out anyone with their Anti Air Shot. It can be tough to fight an archer solo, but not impossible. An archer's weakness, be he Hunter or Ranger, depends on attacks that have a range straight in front of them. Dashing to the sides of an archer, in the air or not, can help you dodge his attacks easily. AoE attacks like a ranger's "Tank" skill, or a Hunters Arrow Shower can be avoided if you run out of their range, especially Arrow Shower. The glyph on the ground appears before the arrows come down. Be careful staying in one place too often too. Archer classes are fast on their feet, and can catch up to you easily if you play defense instead. Ultimately, the best way to defeat any archer class is to dodge their attacks, get right up in their face and smack 'em around with some knock down moves, or stunning skills.
Magicians are a pain as well. Both classes, Acolyte and Battlemage, sport freezing skills that can end a match quickly, whether it's 1v1 or 5v5, or even Free For All. Acolytes can be a pain as well, due to their ability to heal almost anything done to them. The trick to beating an Acolyte with heal? Don't give them a waking chance to heal. Sounds simple, and contrary to popular belief, an Acolyte really isn't that strong. Sure they can freeze you and curse you as a frog, but those skills are both easily avoided by the intelligent player. They have mid range, and only work in front of the player, so if you attack from behind, or at a range, you're likely safe. Launching and stunning Acolytes is a must, and prevents them from healing. Now onto Battlemages... They can be tough, especially in large player vs player matches. Never, EVER keep a Battlemage out of your sight, or you will die. They sport Blizzard, a wide freezing skill that will stop you in your place, followed by Ball Lightning, a rapid hitting electrical attack that will drain your HP and keep you stuck in one place; Tornado, a skill that will launch you instantly into the air, and Magic Missile, the trump card, which will shave off 1/4 your HP even at lower levels. Here's the BM's weakness. Save for Tornado, each skill takes a good animation time frame to cast. Magic Missile's range is nullified if you're in the air or behind the mage, and Blizzard is easy to predict. Take your time and wait to strike...
Definitely having unique skills and high criticals can make either thief class hard to beat. Each can hide out of danger, and both have attack skills that hit many times, and that's a huge bonus. The more than can hit, the more times they can critical. Assassins generally have a good setup, and this is why they can be hard to beat. They turn invisible, which makes them impossible to find and hit. On the plus side, they have a never-missing skill with a short range that knocks you down. A couple of things to note. If you've got a keen eye, you can waste an Assassin's MP by watching the ground. Chances are you can see the Assassin dashing around, and if he jumps look for the plume of brown smoke. He can't attack without showing himself first, so play with him. Dash jump around until he decides to show himself. If you're unlucky and you're hit by his appearing attack, the first thing you should do is roll the direction away from the Assassin. I can't stress this enough, and I know it seems like a 'duh' answer, but an Assassin's Throwing Dagger is a strong, multi-hitting (thus, multi-critical) attack that will wear down your HP fast. Jesters, on the other hand, are one hit wonders that should be feared. However, Jesters rely solely on short ranged AoE attacks. Stay out of Melee range with a Jester, and you're fine. Counter with any wide-ranged, long ranged knock down skill you have and go in for the kill. Jesters have fairly low HP, so it won't take much to kill them.
Warriors HP makes them tough. They generally have moderate to high HP, so it takes a bit more to kill them than other classes. Gladiators have Wrath of Earth, which is a ridiculously large frontal range that deals heavy damage and knocks you down. Being knocked into the air by a warrior is big no-no. Their Storm Blade is very, very strong, and can wipe out most classes easily. Warriors have both ranged and up close skills, but their main strength lies within knocking you into the air and using Storm Blade. Gladiators are a bit different though. I'm Coming Bro and I'm Gone Bro! are two very difficult attacks to dodge. Also noted that Gladiators have a debuff skill called Stumblebum, which lowers accuracy and other stats. This alone can change the course of battle. Try to stay out of their frontal range, like an Archer. Same with Knights. They've got this front rushing 'corkscrew' blade and shoulder rush which they can use very easily to knock you down and into the air for good damage with Storm Blade. Both are instant casting, so a general tip is to stay out of range. Also, many Knights choose to get a skill Impervion. If you notice a Knight isn't flinching from your skills, back away. If I'm not mistaken, Impervion is a toggle skill that drains MP slowly, so like an Assassin, you can toy with them to drain their HP. But like I said before most of their skills require them to be at melee range to be the most effective. Staying Behind a warrior is a great way to keep them in your sights. Most of their skills take a long time to finish due to their long animations, so prepping yourself with a good set of combos will help.
These are just general tips, and keep in mind that PvP is rather laggy and unpolished. Things may change in the future with class changes and bug fixes. Just because you use these tips doesn't mean you'll win in PvP. Each player has their own skill level, and responsive level in PvP matches. Again, these are just general tips for the player. Take them with a grain of salt.
Credits: Konobi from Dragonica Forum
A general guide to class weaknesses
So, I'm not much of a PvP goer, honestly. Can't stand player vs player. The rush is a bit much for me. My hands start shaking, can't fully concentrate... My fingers tremble, and because of this, I often dash too much, or linger around with my head in the clouds.
But I'll tell you what, I'm a pretty good strategist, and I find ways to dodge attacks pretty easily. So, below are some tips to helping you win in PvP by dodging certain classes' attack.
Archer can be tough. Players with good computers and good framerate can knock out anyone with their Anti Air Shot. It can be tough to fight an archer solo, but not impossible. An archer's weakness, be he Hunter or Ranger, depends on attacks that have a range straight in front of them. Dashing to the sides of an archer, in the air or not, can help you dodge his attacks easily. AoE attacks like a ranger's "Tank" skill, or a Hunters Arrow Shower can be avoided if you run out of their range, especially Arrow Shower. The glyph on the ground appears before the arrows come down. Be careful staying in one place too often too. Archer classes are fast on their feet, and can catch up to you easily if you play defense instead. Ultimately, the best way to defeat any archer class is to dodge their attacks, get right up in their face and smack 'em around with some knock down moves, or stunning skills.
Magicians are a pain as well. Both classes, Acolyte and Battlemage, sport freezing skills that can end a match quickly, whether it's 1v1 or 5v5, or even Free For All. Acolytes can be a pain as well, due to their ability to heal almost anything done to them. The trick to beating an Acolyte with heal? Don't give them a waking chance to heal. Sounds simple, and contrary to popular belief, an Acolyte really isn't that strong. Sure they can freeze you and curse you as a frog, but those skills are both easily avoided by the intelligent player. They have mid range, and only work in front of the player, so if you attack from behind, or at a range, you're likely safe. Launching and stunning Acolytes is a must, and prevents them from healing. Now onto Battlemages... They can be tough, especially in large player vs player matches. Never, EVER keep a Battlemage out of your sight, or you will die. They sport Blizzard, a wide freezing skill that will stop you in your place, followed by Ball Lightning, a rapid hitting electrical attack that will drain your HP and keep you stuck in one place; Tornado, a skill that will launch you instantly into the air, and Magic Missile, the trump card, which will shave off 1/4 your HP even at lower levels. Here's the BM's weakness. Save for Tornado, each skill takes a good animation time frame to cast. Magic Missile's range is nullified if you're in the air or behind the mage, and Blizzard is easy to predict. Take your time and wait to strike...
Definitely having unique skills and high criticals can make either thief class hard to beat. Each can hide out of danger, and both have attack skills that hit many times, and that's a huge bonus. The more than can hit, the more times they can critical. Assassins generally have a good setup, and this is why they can be hard to beat. They turn invisible, which makes them impossible to find and hit. On the plus side, they have a never-missing skill with a short range that knocks you down. A couple of things to note. If you've got a keen eye, you can waste an Assassin's MP by watching the ground. Chances are you can see the Assassin dashing around, and if he jumps look for the plume of brown smoke. He can't attack without showing himself first, so play with him. Dash jump around until he decides to show himself. If you're unlucky and you're hit by his appearing attack, the first thing you should do is roll the direction away from the Assassin. I can't stress this enough, and I know it seems like a 'duh' answer, but an Assassin's Throwing Dagger is a strong, multi-hitting (thus, multi-critical) attack that will wear down your HP fast. Jesters, on the other hand, are one hit wonders that should be feared. However, Jesters rely solely on short ranged AoE attacks. Stay out of Melee range with a Jester, and you're fine. Counter with any wide-ranged, long ranged knock down skill you have and go in for the kill. Jesters have fairly low HP, so it won't take much to kill them.
Warriors HP makes them tough. They generally have moderate to high HP, so it takes a bit more to kill them than other classes. Gladiators have Wrath of Earth, which is a ridiculously large frontal range that deals heavy damage and knocks you down. Being knocked into the air by a warrior is big no-no. Their Storm Blade is very, very strong, and can wipe out most classes easily. Warriors have both ranged and up close skills, but their main strength lies within knocking you into the air and using Storm Blade. Gladiators are a bit different though. I'm Coming Bro and I'm Gone Bro! are two very difficult attacks to dodge. Also noted that Gladiators have a debuff skill called Stumblebum, which lowers accuracy and other stats. This alone can change the course of battle. Try to stay out of their frontal range, like an Archer. Same with Knights. They've got this front rushing 'corkscrew' blade and shoulder rush which they can use very easily to knock you down and into the air for good damage with Storm Blade. Both are instant casting, so a general tip is to stay out of range. Also, many Knights choose to get a skill Impervion. If you notice a Knight isn't flinching from your skills, back away. If I'm not mistaken, Impervion is a toggle skill that drains MP slowly, so like an Assassin, you can toy with them to drain their HP. But like I said before most of their skills require them to be at melee range to be the most effective. Staying Behind a warrior is a great way to keep them in your sights. Most of their skills take a long time to finish due to their long animations, so prepping yourself with a good set of combos will help.
These are just general tips, and keep in mind that PvP is rather laggy and unpolished. Things may change in the future with class changes and bug fixes. Just because you use these tips doesn't mean you'll win in PvP. Each player has their own skill level, and responsive level in PvP matches. Again, these are just general tips for the player. Take them with a grain of salt.
Credits: Konobi from Dragonica Forum
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