Plotter's Jester PVP Guide
Some people think that Jesters are boring and cheap, but it isn’t really. I enjoy 1v1 PvP most because I don’t get interrupted or ksed.
Jesters usually have spare points left over, so you can add anything, but these skills should be added accordingly:
Air combo 1
Cutdown 1(at least)
Rocket Punch 5
Claw Mastery 5
Advanced Claw Mastery 5
Exit 1
Burrow 1
Rolling Stinger AT LEAST 3 (hits fallen enemies) to 5, you have spare anyway.
Final Decision 5
Upper Screwdriver 5
About the buffs, I don’t think they are an utter waste of points, seeing as you have spares anyway. Me, I’m a wannabe high evade rate jester, so I chose to max the Haste buff (after double checking on the skill simulator).
You will think jesters suck at Pvp if all you do is run up to a person and immediately press FD, US, RS. Firstly, your FD probably won’t hit. If it does, they’ll roll away after US. And then they’ll mob you while you’re vulnerable doing RS.
There are obviously more than one way to combo an opponent to death, but my preferred way is RP, then FD, and a RS immediately after, followed by another FD (Yes, we have short cooldowns) and finally, a US. Usually, they die.
To sum it up,
- Do not be discouraged. No matter what people say, keep practising.
- Dragonica is a game. Do not be a rude noob. It’s annoying.
- Do not leave matches, unless your mother has returned home or something.
- Get good equips. Try to be either AGI, STR, or VIT built and get equips which add the desired stat. It takes patience and time to finally get the perfect equips. I personally believe that if you enchant all your stuff to +12 and soulcraft everything to artefact, that does not make you a pro. It is a waste of powder, gold, souls and cash (which is real money).
By the way, I’ve recently seen a lot of jesters who keep burrowing after reading Stasis’ guide. I have never pvped Stasis before, but I am certain that these followers are not doing it right. I once pvped with a jester who was around the same level as me. He constantly burrowed for no reason at all. Every 3 seconds or so, he’d burrow. I actually SAW him coming towards me – walk, burrow, walk, burrow, walk burrow. It was extremely annoying and a waste of time.
*This applies to all opponents: when you fall to the ground, usually roll TOWARDS them, get up, and spam.*
There is not much difference in fighting different classes with a jester. Basically you just need to stun them, then combo.
In 2v1 matches especially, do not actually start anything until you have both opponents in your grasp. If they decide to split, take one down first and watch out for any interruptions.
Low levels – Kick them, or do NOT start at all. It’s for their own good and will get you a bad reputation anyway.
Knights - You shouldn't pvp knights. They have an unbelievably annoying stun lock combo, sometimes don’t flinch, fall, or get launched, and they have massive HP. Oh, and revenge. In team Pvp, I suggest you stay away from them, unless they are frozen or stunned. If for some reason, you do decide to PvP them, avoid getting close to them till you manage to stun them. After you've stunned them, do NOT use RS unless you are sure they won't be able to escape. Do a quick FD and US, then bounce away. Repeat. It will get irritating if they turn on revenge after damaging you, because you'll probably die anyway, unless you are VIT built.
Gladiators – Against the average gladiator, it might not be a 0:5 win but you’ll probably win because they are melee, so wait for them to run to you and use RP. Spam. Dead. The only real annoying thing is Stumblebum and Swordance.
Hunters – They are pretty frustrating, especially if their wolf rush makes you launch up. They AAS you to death in like a few seconds. Jump around and land beside them suddenly. Then spam. *You MUST wait for their hallucination buff to finish, or half your combo won’t hit*
Rangers - I think they are just like hunters, but not as many launching skills. The most annoying Is when you get caught in GR, launched, and AAS’d to death. Archers need to get in a straight line to attack you, so use an RP before they do anything.
Battlemages – My PvP partner is a battlemage and I think battlemages and jesters make a great team. Energy ball is extremely annoying, given the new short cooldown. Blizzard is annoying when you get frozen even though you’re not actually in the circle. The best time to strike is when they are casting blizzard. Sneak up behind them and be sure not to get hit by blizzard.
Acolytes – VIT acolytes are annoying. Run and heal acolytes are annoying. Other than that, gg. Just start spamming when you catch them, and don’t EVER stop for a minute or they run away, and poof! – they come back with full HP and you are left with 400 MP.
Jesters – I rather like PvPing jesters, but it’s frustrating when you get caught in your own death combo. Basically it’s just a match to see who traps who first.
Assassins – I prefer 1v1 with assassins because in group Pvp, they break combos and knock you down. Oh and in team matches, they usually wait till the last moment, and steal the kill with a swift attack. They don’t have a lot of hp, but they have high evade and block. Avoid using RS if you are unsure if you can hit them successfully.
Credits: Mr Plotter
Jesters usually have spare points left over, so you can add anything, but these skills should be added accordingly:
Air combo 1
Cutdown 1(at least)
Rocket Punch 5
Claw Mastery 5
Advanced Claw Mastery 5
Exit 1
Burrow 1
Rolling Stinger AT LEAST 3 (hits fallen enemies) to 5, you have spare anyway.
Final Decision 5
Upper Screwdriver 5
About the buffs, I don’t think they are an utter waste of points, seeing as you have spares anyway. Me, I’m a wannabe high evade rate jester, so I chose to max the Haste buff (after double checking on the skill simulator).
You will think jesters suck at Pvp if all you do is run up to a person and immediately press FD, US, RS. Firstly, your FD probably won’t hit. If it does, they’ll roll away after US. And then they’ll mob you while you’re vulnerable doing RS.
There are obviously more than one way to combo an opponent to death, but my preferred way is RP, then FD, and a RS immediately after, followed by another FD (Yes, we have short cooldowns) and finally, a US. Usually, they die.
To sum it up,
- Do not be discouraged. No matter what people say, keep practising.
- Dragonica is a game. Do not be a rude noob. It’s annoying.
- Do not leave matches, unless your mother has returned home or something.
- Get good equips. Try to be either AGI, STR, or VIT built and get equips which add the desired stat. It takes patience and time to finally get the perfect equips. I personally believe that if you enchant all your stuff to +12 and soulcraft everything to artefact, that does not make you a pro. It is a waste of powder, gold, souls and cash (which is real money).
By the way, I’ve recently seen a lot of jesters who keep burrowing after reading Stasis’ guide. I have never pvped Stasis before, but I am certain that these followers are not doing it right. I once pvped with a jester who was around the same level as me. He constantly burrowed for no reason at all. Every 3 seconds or so, he’d burrow. I actually SAW him coming towards me – walk, burrow, walk, burrow, walk burrow. It was extremely annoying and a waste of time.
*This applies to all opponents: when you fall to the ground, usually roll TOWARDS them, get up, and spam.*
There is not much difference in fighting different classes with a jester. Basically you just need to stun them, then combo.
In 2v1 matches especially, do not actually start anything until you have both opponents in your grasp. If they decide to split, take one down first and watch out for any interruptions.
Low levels – Kick them, or do NOT start at all. It’s for their own good and will get you a bad reputation anyway.
Knights - You shouldn't pvp knights. They have an unbelievably annoying stun lock combo, sometimes don’t flinch, fall, or get launched, and they have massive HP. Oh, and revenge. In team Pvp, I suggest you stay away from them, unless they are frozen or stunned. If for some reason, you do decide to PvP them, avoid getting close to them till you manage to stun them. After you've stunned them, do NOT use RS unless you are sure they won't be able to escape. Do a quick FD and US, then bounce away. Repeat. It will get irritating if they turn on revenge after damaging you, because you'll probably die anyway, unless you are VIT built.
Gladiators – Against the average gladiator, it might not be a 0:5 win but you’ll probably win because they are melee, so wait for them to run to you and use RP. Spam. Dead. The only real annoying thing is Stumblebum and Swordance.
Hunters – They are pretty frustrating, especially if their wolf rush makes you launch up. They AAS you to death in like a few seconds. Jump around and land beside them suddenly. Then spam. *You MUST wait for their hallucination buff to finish, or half your combo won’t hit*
Rangers - I think they are just like hunters, but not as many launching skills. The most annoying Is when you get caught in GR, launched, and AAS’d to death. Archers need to get in a straight line to attack you, so use an RP before they do anything.
Battlemages – My PvP partner is a battlemage and I think battlemages and jesters make a great team. Energy ball is extremely annoying, given the new short cooldown. Blizzard is annoying when you get frozen even though you’re not actually in the circle. The best time to strike is when they are casting blizzard. Sneak up behind them and be sure not to get hit by blizzard.
Acolytes – VIT acolytes are annoying. Run and heal acolytes are annoying. Other than that, gg. Just start spamming when you catch them, and don’t EVER stop for a minute or they run away, and poof! – they come back with full HP and you are left with 400 MP.
Jesters – I rather like PvPing jesters, but it’s frustrating when you get caught in your own death combo. Basically it’s just a match to see who traps who first.
Assassins – I prefer 1v1 with assassins because in group Pvp, they break combos and knock you down. Oh and in team matches, they usually wait till the last moment, and steal the kill with a swift attack. They don’t have a lot of hp, but they have high evade and block. Avoid using RS if you are unsure if you can hit them successfully.
Credits: Mr Plotter
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